Garden City JROTC
Producing Leaders for the Air Force and Better Citizens for America


Welcome to our Web site. You'll find information and news pertaining to our unit. Enjoy your visit and aim high!


 A b o u t  U s
Learn about the Air Force JROTC program and our unit.

A c t i v i t i e s
Find out what the cadets are doing.


 C a d e t s
Meet the Senior Staff and Flight Staff and see a Corps picture.

 C a d e t   H o n o r   R o l l 
See which Flight received Flight of the Quarter and which cadets are Cadets of the Quarter.


 F i e l d  T r i p s
Learn about the fun places we visit.

 G u e s t  B o o k
Sign our guest book to receive more information about our program.

 L i n k s
This page contains useful related links.

 Disclaimer: The information and opinions contained in this Internet site do not reflect the official policy or position of Air Force ROTC, the US Air Force, or the US Government. Consult Government publications or Internet sites for official information.