Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest (Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver) manages to both poke fun at and pay homage to the Star Trek phenomenon. Galaxy Quest is the name of a fictional science fiction television series from the 70s. Years after the series was cancelled, the cast is still donning their costumes and speaking their lines as they tour the Galaxy Quest convention circuit. They are as pathetic as the hordes of nerds who worship them, but in order to save an alien race, the cast must call upon the qualities of their charaters to save the day. The aliens have mistaken the intercepted television signals as historical records and enlist the Galaxy Quest to save them from the evil Serus.

You'll miss most of the laughs unless you're familiar with the original Star Trek television series or similar science fiction shows. The silly technobabble, expendable extras, tight-fitting costumes, and other running jokes will have more meaning. Jokes aside, Galaxy Quest manages to emphasize the positive aspects of these science fiction shows as well. The result is a great cast in a tight, clever story.

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